
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Water Safety

LS1 and I went for a water safety lesson.

First our instructor taught us how to get into a pool safely. To get into a pool safely you need to put your hands on the side, turn around, and slowly lower your body into the pool. After we got into the pool we waited for our next instruction.

Next our instructor taught us how to do back scull. To do a back scull you need to lay on your back, push the water away as you move, and keep your feet above the water. You can use back scull when you are floating down the river so you don't hit your face on a rock.

To finish up our instructor taught us how to do front scull. When you do front scull you need to move your hands in and out, then you need to keep your hands in front of you so that you can move your hands in front of you so you don't hit anything, and keep your head above the water. You can also use front scull in a river so that you don't hit your face, but instead your hands, or arms.

I learned a lot about sculling and what to do if I'm stuck in a river. I think next time I should try to keep my feet above the water when I'm sculling.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Addition And Subtraction

 Addition and subtraction can be used using two stratigies: counting on/back and rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding on using fingers, when the number is under ten. Counting back is subtraction using fingers, when the number is under ten.

Rounding and compensating is rounding the added or subtracted number to the nearest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by splitting the new number into the old number and the left over.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating are easy stratigies are easy to use for addition and subtraction, when the numbers get too big to be solved with basic facts.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Party Popper Prototype

My group, Butter Cup created a party pooper prototype for our company.

First we tested all of the different materials there were. We had to write down each result and see if it failed or not. We liked most of the filling because it went high and made a big explosion.

Next we made a list of all the materials we wanted to use to make our prototype. We highlighted all of the materials we wanted to use for our party popper in yellow. When we all decided on the materials we thought of different unique designs for the cup.

To finish up We gathered all the material we needed to create our party popper prototype. On our list we had things that weren't in the bunch of material so we created it ourself. We all decided to keep the current design of the prototype we made.

We enjoyed creating the party popper prototype because we got to use our imagination and test lots of different things. We would have liked to test different material but there wasn't enough material to create two party poppers. We could try to make the weight heavier and try to find a good length so that the filling explodes better.