
Friday, May 28, 2021

Reciprocal Reading

I learnt how to use Reciprocal Reading and keywords on 2 texts called What We Ate and What We Lost.

The first text is What We Ate.The six roles are leader, predictor, clarifier, questioner and summariser. The PDF is about what soldiers ate during the war. They ate: bully beef, jam, canned fruit and vegetables, lack of vitamin c, hard biscuits and water.

The most helpful role was the clarifier role because they identified tricky and unknown words that we don't understand through out the text.

We did reciprocal reading on a PDF called what we ate.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple Machines

Did you know that the pulley, wheel and axel and screw they all move objects. A screw works by turning around, a wheel and axle is worked by an axle, a pulley is worked by pulling on a rope and a wheel and by working together the heavy object will lift.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


I learnt how to write a hook in an introduction.

First Mr Ogilvie showed us a video explaining what an introduction contains.

Next, we wrote an introduction and a hook about three different topics. Did you know that the largest firework display ever consisted of 810, 904 fireworks? A firework consists of gunpowder a fuse and potassium nitrate. When these three mechanisms come together they create a colorful explosion in the air.

Then we wrote an introduction about the life cycle of a butterfly. Did you know that there are almost 20,000 butterfly species? The mother butterfly lays eggs and they turn into caterpillars and makes a crysais and then turns into a butterfly. it takes 9-14 days for a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly.

Then we had to write a introduction about how chocolate is made. Did you know that chocolate is made by coca powder? First dried coca beacs will be roasted also heat blend food coloring sugar and flouring. When the chocolate is ade they will wrap it in paper.

Next time I write an introduction I should to try to add more information.

Reading a Calander

Step 1: read the day.

Step 2: read the number of the date.

Step 3: read the month.

Step 4: read the year. 


Today I did some balancing using some sports equipment.

First I had to try and catch the frisbee while balancing on one leg without falling. I think that this was pretty hard to do but because the wind could blow the frisbee away so you had to move to the side to catch it.

For the next activity we had to dribble the basket ball and out partner had to try and catch it on one leg. I think that this activity was easy to do but when we had to dribble the ball from side to side it was hard to stay balanced.

For the next activity we had to throw a netball back and forth between eachother while standing on one leg. I thought that this activity was easy but then it got a little bit tricky when we had to try and catch is slightly from the side I started to wobble.

For the next activity we had to throw a rugby ball back and forth between eachother while balancing on one leg. I thought this activity was the hardest because when I was throwing from the side I lost alot of balance.

For the last activity we had to hit a small ball with a hockey stink without using the stick to help you ballance. I thought this activity was hard to because you couldnt 't use the hockey stick to help you ballance.

Maori Under and Over

We learnt how to say over (runga) and under (raro) in maori.

First we learnt a sentence to say if something is runga (over) or raro (under). Kei ... i te pukapuka.

Next we learnt how to ask where something is. Kei hea te pukapuka.

Lastly we learnt how to say if something is here wich is anei.

I liked learning how to say if something is over or under something.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Time Problems

Here are some time problems for you to solve.

Tile Twister

I revised ballancing and finding my tipping point.

First we did a warm up and did some basic fitness moves like squats star jumps and hight jumps.

Then I played a game called Tile Twister. Mr. Wong called out a body part and I tried to move that body part into a square on the floor. 

Lastly we talked about controling you tipping point and how we did that.

I thought playing Tile Twister was tricky because you couldn't put the body part that was called out on a different colour. 

Maori Sentence

I learnt how to tell someone to pass something in Te Reo.

First I revised what I learnt last week Tene(here) Tena(there) and Tera(over there).

Next I learnt a sentence thats tells someone to pass something to their left or right Hoatu te Aporo ki te taha maui or Tika (pass that apple to your left). 

I thought it was interesting learning a question in Te Reo.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cause And Effect

I wrote cause and effect sentences about the life cycle of a butterfly.

First I had to put an explanation of a butterfly's life cycle back togeather.

Next I had to write a cause and effect sentence of the butterflys eggs (stage 1.)

Then I had to write a cause and effect sentence about the catapillar (stage 2.)

Then I had to write a cause and effect sentence about the catapillars chrysalis (stage 3.)

Lastly I had to write about the chrysalis turning into a butterfly (stage 4.)

I think that it is interesting wen the catapillar makes a chrysalis and it turns into  a butterfly.

The Maori Pioneer Battaion

 We did reciprocal reading to help us read the text The Maori Pioneer Batallion.

First we decided a leader so they can assign everyone their job. there were 5 jobs.

Before everyone read the page the predictor had to predict what they think will happen.

Then once everyone read the page the clarifier had to identify any tricky words. Then everyone put the words on a key word list.

Next the questioner had to ask questions about the test and try to get an answer.

Lastly the summariser had to summarise the text by making it shorter.

I think the predictor was the hardest because you don't know what the next page will be about.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Time Difference

I learnt how to tell time differences.

First I figured out the hour between the two times. Which was 4 hours.

Then I had to figure out the minutes between the two times. which was 35 minutes.

Lastly I found out the total. Wich was 4 hours and 35 minuets difference.

I think I need to work on subtrancing my minuets because it was hard for me.

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect can help with writing sentences within the mechinisims structure of an explanaion.

A cause is why something happens. A effect is what happens. For example A rainbow appears in the sky when sunlight passes through raindrops.

Casual language are words that link with cause and effect sentances. For example: because, when, in order to, therefore. For example: It was cold SO she turned the heater on.

Here is a mix and match activity you can do to practise and help you with cause and effect.
LI- What is cause and effect. 


All texts include a range of words to share information with the reader.

Keywords are words that unlock lots of information.

Kewords are used in a sentence to unlcok information in a specfic way. For example: Keyword - dodge- reminder - To avoid or not do something. Like not doing your chores.

LI- To expand vocabulary using keywords

Thursday, May 13, 2021


Manners are used to show respect to others. They are formal and can be used anywhere.

You can use manners when someone holds the door open for you.

You can use your manners when you give someone something or they give you something.

Examples of manners are; Thank you, please, may I and your welcome while making eye contact.

Manner are used to respect people so they should also respect you.

Problem Solving

Today in groups we did problem solving about time.

First my group and I disscused the answers to the six questions.

Next we discussed how we worked out the answer.

Lastly we shared with Mr. Ogilvie about the answers and how we figured it out.

I thought this was hard because I didn't know which hand was the minute hand and wich hand was the hour hand.

Simple Machines

These are simple machines that we found in the school.

Wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, and pully.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


 I learnt three preprositions.

The first Preprosition I learnt was tenei. tenei means here.

The second preprosition I learnt was tena. tena means there.

The last preprosition I learnt was tera. tera means over there.

I think preprositions are easy to learn and can help you tell posotions.


 My group did an activity on balancing in our enviroment and took some photos of showing it.

First one of my partners balanced on 1 leg on top of a small ledge.

Next my partners tried to balance on another person without having as much contact with eachother as possible.

Then me and my partner huddled on the floor and helped another person balance on top of us.

Finaly I helped my partner balance using the playground equipment.

I enjoyed doing this activity because I got to try and balance on many different things. I want to try and balance on more challenging things.

Friday, May 7, 2021


 I learnt how to write an explination report and the struture.

First I learnt what an explination is. An explanation is to understand a process.

Then I learnt the structure of an explanation report. the structure of a explanation is TIMES.

I think that explanations are quite tricky to write and to remember the structure.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Maori Questions

I learnt two questions and how to say them is Te Reo.

The first question I learnt was Kua Mutu meaning finished.

The second question I learnt was Kua Marama meaning do you understand. Or Marama meaning understand.

I liked learning these questions because I could use them anywhere.


Simple Machines

 Simple machines are tools people made a long time ago to make moving objects easier to do.

These are the six simple machines:

1. Inclined Plane

2. Wedge

3. Screw

4.Wheel and Axle

5. Lever

6. Pulley

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


I learnt about balance and how to balance on different things and balancing skills.

First Mr Ogilvie taught us about what balancing means and is about. It is about finding your tipping point.

Next two people had to try and cross the balance beam with out touching the ground.

Then we had to get into groups of three and chose one person to try and balance on the soccer ball. I balanced on the soccer ball for 20 seconds.

I think balancing on the beam was hard because two people at a time both had to go and it was hard to get around eachother.

Telling Time

 I completed an activity about analog and digital time. 

 First I looked at the hour hand and looked at how many hours hae gone past, wich was 8.   

Then I looked at the minute hand and looked at how many minuets had gone past, wich was 12.

Then I put them together and made twelve past eight (8:12).

I liked doing this activity because it helped me tell time.


Tuesday, May 4, 2021