
Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Today I did some balancing using some sports equipment.

First I had to try and catch the frisbee while balancing on one leg without falling. I think that this was pretty hard to do but because the wind could blow the frisbee away so you had to move to the side to catch it.

For the next activity we had to dribble the basket ball and out partner had to try and catch it on one leg. I think that this activity was easy to do but when we had to dribble the ball from side to side it was hard to stay balanced.

For the next activity we had to throw a netball back and forth between eachother while standing on one leg. I thought that this activity was easy but then it got a little bit tricky when we had to try and catch is slightly from the side I started to wobble.

For the next activity we had to throw a rugby ball back and forth between eachother while balancing on one leg. I thought this activity was the hardest because when I was throwing from the side I lost alot of balance.

For the last activity we had to hit a small ball with a hockey stink without using the stick to help you ballance. I thought this activity was hard to because you couldnt 't use the hockey stick to help you ballance.

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