
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Table Mat

 I created a table mat on a book called New Zealand Film-makers specificly about Peter Jackson and used skimming and scaning to help me.

Skimming is when skip to find keywords. Scanning is when you read the text quickly and stop to read important information. Example: When you skim its like your an plane because when you skim you just read through the text without stoping. But an example of scanning your like a helicopter because helecopter can stop and hover while planes can't.

I found facts like In 1993 he made a film called Heavenly Creatures about an an usual murded that took place in the 1950’s, and Peter Jackson is one of the most famous film makers in the world.

Then I found some keywords and defined them like film and effects. Effects are things like sparkles or filters, film means to direct or make a movie.

I thought that Peter Jackson was interesting to learn about and some of the films he created and directed.

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