Look Down

Problem- Parker & Cameron were eating lunch on the plane wing.
Solution- they got in the plane and grabbed a parachute.
I was as scared as a chicken. Hi my name is Parker, one day I was eating lunch with my brother Cameron on a plane wing from Canada to New York. We didn’t know when the plane was taking off so we just sat there and ate our yummy lunch packed with sandwiches.But while we were eating our sandwiches the plane started to move. We didn’t know what to do so we just sat there scared and hoping that someone would see us and tell the person flying the plane to stop so we could get down and wait till we got to New York inside the plane.But the plane didn’t stop. It kept going and going until it got in the air.
Then we were flying with the plane. We could see everything. It was beautiful, but sooo scary. Then our faces were in the clouds. It felt weird to be this high but I liked it. Then my brother Cameron’s hat fell off, and it flew in the wind,but Cameron's hair was a mess. Then his hair was flowing in the wind. He said it felt amazing so I took my hat off to,and my hair was flowing in the wind just like Cameron’s. A few hours later I was tired so Cameron said that he would hold me while
I slept so that I wouldn’t fall off and hurt myself if I fell on to the ground. So I went to sleep trusting Cameron.I thought it was really risky but when I woke up I was alive! I thought Cameron was going to get tired and fall asleep too, and then we would both fall off the plane wing and hurt ourself. A few more hours later Cameron got tired so we did the same thing except that I was holding onto Cameron while he was asleep. But I got tired of holding him and then Cameron started to slide off the plane wing. I HAD to think of something FAST before Cameron fell off and hurt himself. So I did something VERY risky, I took off my jumper and tied our hands together tightly, then I knocked on the closest window and… someone opened it! Yay we were saved but the person who opened the window was our mum. She said “what are you two doing on the plane wing” so I said “this is not the time to explain, can you just pull me and my brother up please”. So our mum grabbed my hand and pulled us both in the plane with her. Then we told her everything that happened.
After explaining everything to our mum. She said that when we got home we had to explain everything to our dad.Then we heard an announcement, it said “Hello everyone.We will be landing shortly, but we have some bad news… WE ARE CRASHING INTO THE AIRPORT. No need to panic though, we have it all under control.” Then the plane started to fall faster. Then another announcement came up and it said. “OK YOU CAN PANIC NOW.” Then everyone started looking for parachutes, so me Cameron and Mum started to look for a parachute too. Then we noticed that there were three parachutes under our seats, so we all shouted “HEY EVERYONE, THERE ARE PARACHUTES UNDER THE CHAIRS!”
Then we each grabbed a parachute and opened the plane door. I was almost about to hit the ground so I pulled the little tad and my parachute went up.After I got to the ground I looked up and saw all the colourful parachutes carry people to the ground safely. Then I saw my brother Cameron and our mum start to fly down.
After everyone was on the ground we all went inside the airport and saw a sign that said if you were flying on plane 6000 canadian airline to New York, then they would give you 1000 dollars back because the plane crashed, so we got our money back. Then our mum went and rented a hotel room for us to stay in for a few days.
It was VERY scary on the plane wing. At least we didn’t fall off and hurt ourselves. Our mum said that she didn’t notice we were gone because she was really tired and went to sleep. Then she heard us knock on the plane window. At least we weren’t on the plane wing when the plane was about to crash. We probably would have ended up in the hospital.
Here is my narrative. Can you guess what the problem and solution are?